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Single input

Single input consist of simple label with input


You will find the single input in the Form builder toolbox.

Quick start / Basic usage

To use this type of question, go inside the form builder of any forms that you want to edit and then :

  • On right side you will see the toolbox menu
  • Drag the single input question and drop into the body of the form
  • After that click on the question and you can set their properties

Feature description


Single input


color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, password, range, tel, text, time, url, week

Default value

You can set a default value prefilled in the creation of a new Record. This value can use an expression if the type is ‘text’, you just need to start it with '='.


You can switch the input type after setting the default value as a text type if you want to use an expression for a different type.