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When you or a user fills out a form it creates a record from this form. So it is the data created from completing a form/survey.


You will find form records in several places:

In the forms menu, by clicking "View records" in the options menu

In the resources menu, by clicking on a resource

In a grid inside an application (requires the grid to be generated first)

Quick start / Basic usage

  • Choose a form.
  • Fill in the form and click the “Complete” button to save your record.

Feature description


Whenever you fill in a survey it will create a record.


You can edit record from a survey by selecting the “Edit” button or “Update” option inside an application grid or directly on the record inside a grid.

Edit button from the records list of a resource

Update option from grid inside an application

Update option from grid by clicking on the record

View on the record edition


When you delete a form or a resource, all records linked to this form or resource would be deleted. You can also delete record manually by clicking the “Delete” button in the record’s menu.

View on the delete notification from grid


When using the delete “button” in the records list from a resource, no confirmation pop-up would appear

Record Unicity

You can set up permission for records and record unicity. This means, a user can only have one single record for a form. When the user updates the record, a new version is created, but not a new record. This feature is useful, when users are supposed to maintain profiles, where the information can change over time, but the profile is still unique to them, instead of having several profiles.