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Bulk edition


This feature may be outdated.

Bulk edition in grid

The bulk edition is available for every record in the grid. Its purpose is to give to the user a way of performing the same action applied to multiple records. Its goal is to facilitate to update, convert and delete data on the grid.


The first column of each grid has a checkbox which gives the possibility for bulk edition. Select as many records as desired to perform the same action on them.

Selection of multiple records

Quick start / Basic usage

You can select one by one the checkbox of each row. Alternatively you can select all the records by clicking the checkbox placed in the column header.

  • Go to the grid widget
  • Add some records to your grid
  • Select one or more by click on checkboxes

After that you will see the options on top right of widget:

Feature description

Once we have our bulk data selected we can:

  • Convert
  • Delete
ConvertYou can update the data of multiple records at the same time. When you click on update, it will display a form with the record structure.
UpdateYou can update the data of multiple records at the same time. When you click on update, it will display a form with the record structure.
Modal for record bulk update
DeleteThe user can delete the data of multiple records at the same time. When you click on delete, a confirmation popup will show which needs to be confirmed.