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Subscriptions are used in Oort to transfer records from one application to another. It is a powerful feature, because it allows records between Oort applications but also between a Oort application and an external application.


Subscriptions menu

Basic usage

To setup a subscription, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Subscriptions page
  • Click on the ‘Create a subscription’ button
  • Fill in the form (Feature description section offers further guidance)
  • Click on the ‘Create’ button

Feature description

Once a subscription is set up, a consumer on the specified routing key will be added in the RabbitMQ cluster. For each message received, records will be created in the database and a notification can be sent to inform subscribed users about this addition.

Edit subscription menu

Created records are not specific to the application which has the subscription. They are added in the common scope of Oort.

TitleDisplay name of the subscription.
Listen toThe routing key to the channel we subscribe to. It can be either a channel from Oort or a routing key from an external application.
If selecting a Oort’s channel, you will have auto-completion to help you choose the application from which you want to select a channel to listen to.
Convert toIt is the destination form to convert the data that will be received with this subscription. It will then create new records from the specified form with messages received on this subscription.
Notify onYou can choose to send a notification on a specific channel for each message received on this subscription. Each message corresponds to the reception of one or many new records.
The notification’s text will look like <number of records> <form name> created.