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Application summary

An application defines a workspace for the user. Here you can access/manage forms, workflows and dashboards. A user can have a single or several applications, depending on the use case.


The users applications are accessible through My applications in the left hand menu.

My applications menu

Quick start / Basic usage

You can create a new application inside My applications.

  • Enter a valid name for your application
  • Click on create
  • You will be redirected to your empty workspace
  • Now you can continue by adding pages such as forms, dashboards and workflows

Naming conventions

The application name has to comply with the following rules:

  • Cannot contain special characters
  • Cannot be named after anything from the protected names list
  • Cannot be the same as another application

Feature description

You have several options inside the page

Add PageYour Application will consist of as many pages as you want. These pages can in turn be forms, dashboards or workflows.
Publishing an ApplicationIf you don’t publish your application, the application and its content will not be visible to the front-office users. When you have finished the creation of your application, publish it. Changes are still possible at a later stage.
SettingsHere you have the option to change the name and description of your application. Other quick actions such as deleting and duplicating an app are also available.
UsersDefine the users which have access to this application. You can also define the role of said users here.
RolesRoles are assigned in the User Panel but defined in the Roles Panel. This mean, that some users will have more permissions than others. For more information check the Roles Page.
AttributesAttributes can be generated to specify a users permissions. E.g. Region, Job, Type, … This allows for very specific permissions on apps, like only allowing users from the same country to see records published for that country. In contrast to Roles, which define a users permissions on the page behaviour, not on the application behaviour.
ChannelsDefine channels to publish your application and the corresponding changes. This will allow notifications to be sent to other applications.
SubscriptionsSubscribe to other channels to receive records.