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Invite a User

In Oort, you can invite users within an application or in the whole application.

Inviting users means that you grant them access and permissions based on a role assigned to them at the moment of the invitation.


How to invite users

In the navigations items of Oort or in any applications you can invite users by going to the users tab.

Then you have the invite users button :

Quick start / Basic usage

Invite users in Oort
This view allows you to enter one or multiples emails and then assign the same roles to your invitation list for Oort.

Be sure to check the invitation list before assigning the same role to everyone.
Invite users inside an application
This view allows you to enter one or multiples emails, assign the same role and the same position attributes for your invitation list inside an application.

Feature description

Import a CSV fileYou can import a CSV file with all the users' emails you want to invite.
EmailsThis input will allow you to write new emails or select existing users to be invited.
RoleYou have to assign a roles to the users that will be invited, picked among all the application’s roles or Oort’s role.
Position attributesYou can give position attributes to the users invited to your application if your application already has attributes created.