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Give meaning to your data

Create a grid

Now we want to use our data. For this, we will create a grid to show them.

On the application page, click on the "Add a Page" button at the top left as for the form and, this time, select "Dashboard".
Create a dashboard

You have the choice between multiples widgets. For this tutorial we will see only the grid one, I let you discover the others in the Features list documentation. So click on the "Grid" icon.
Select grid

You should have a page looking like the following:
Grid page

Configure a grid

Grid settings

For the moment, the grid is empty. We have to select a dataset and create a layout to choose what informations we want to show. So, let's open the settings by clicking on the "open settings" button or by opening the setting with the three circle icon at the top right of your grid.

Change the name of the grid to the one you want and select the dataset you want to use. For us, it will be the "allCrewMembers", it is the one with the same name as our form. After that, we want to define wich information will be displayed, for this create a new grid layout.


Becarful, the "grid layouts" part appear only if you have selected a dataset. Make sense, you need a dataset to display data!
Grid add dataset

Layout settings

First, enter a title for your layout.
Grid layout configuration

Then we will add the fields we want to display. For this, just drag and drop fields from "Available fields" to "Selected fields".


To remove an element, you just have to drag and drop fields from "Selected fields" to "Available fields".
Grid layout add fields

In addition, we want to display informations ordered by last names. Go on the "Sort" section, select the last_name in the "Sort field" box and sort them by ascending order.
Grid layout add sort`

Now click on the save button to save your layout, you will be redirected to the settings screen. Click on the save button to save your settings, and that's all!
Grid add dataset